wow awesome work it must have been hard with the whole making story out of a game that has a hidden story i cant wait till number three keep it up man your fans luv ya
wow awesome work it must have been hard with the whole making story out of a game that has a hidden story i cant wait till number three keep it up man your fans luv ya
Thank you and I love and appreciate my fans and I have tons more coming for you guys!
interesting hope to see more good animation design and story
Globox did nothing but whale him inot the camera
omg hes wack
epic fail nice work
goods and bads
pick ammo that repeating death (lol) good jokes (cuz when you have bad jokes it makes the others funny) that giant noob head (with that gay smily face (lol) )
no looking for wepons or conntroling him
no lil sis (what i mean is you cant go free or HARVEST) any ways 3/5 8/10
it wasn't a game so controlling him or his weapons and even harvesting or saving little sisters would be overkill on the interaction
sir can i use ur phone *gr* sir plz just 4 holy shit... weres starberry............................
awsome flash but plz I WANT PRT 2 10/10 5/5
part 2 when part 2 when
lol cool
nooooo c took A and B
o-my god u guys are amazing ill give u a record deal LOL LMAO XD
Joined on 4/12/09